Untitled (07/03/2023)

Every time you are forcibly shed of one of your natural instincts, you are made more programmable, and will probably come to be made in their image…

There’s a reason why you feel that anxiety in the modern world, that quivering in your spine, that unarticulated rage. It’s there because your true self is alerting you to an invasive element, something that has come to reshape you for the worse…

Maybe, in your most authentic state, you don’t like where you see things going in the world…

Maybe you aren’t as detached as you think…

Maybe you DON’T like, for example, every ordinary member of your society having politically correct messaging shoved down their throat with every purchase they make, every program they watch, not one person free from the onslaught…

Maybe you DON’T like to be told what is right and what is wrong by a bunch of shadowy corporate entities, people who probably couldn’t conjure the faintest inkling of any of the hardship that you have to endure in your daily life…

What business do such people have telling you what to think? Where do they find the nerve to use a product that you consume regularly to peddle a dangerous idea?

Maybe, for example, you DON’T BELIEVE that the government should be the only group in your nation that gets to be armed to the teeth…

And you just don’t know how to express how you feel, simply because no one around you has pointed it out.

No one has articulated it for you.

One thing’s for sure: You don’t want to be made in their image…

You want to be amongst benevolent entities, who want the best for you, and who you can be open with, with your gifts and your faults alike, further empowering them to help you…

Whoever said that those in power would do all the right things, or make all the best moves in your best interest?

History screams with examples to the contrary…

So be wise. Don’t trust them just because they have sway.

And hold onto your true self. Express your true self.

By Sha’Kim Bush

IG: trapdoor_productions. Follow me would you?

Thank you for reading!!