
Why can’t it all just be better??!

There’s so much potential in this world, so much potential in this life.

And I can’t help but feel like we are running out of time.

Or maybe that’s just the clock on my own time that I’m watching tick, because of decisions that I’ve made, that I keep on making, that I can’t figure out how to stop making.

I’m possessed, the product of an amalgam of pernicious influences, and I am what their careless comingling has spit up.

I feel off. I need to eat, and then go to the gym maybe, if I can muster the energy to do that, and then run some errands.

And then I need to be a higher being, figure out perhaps what’s going on in the world at a deeper level, what’s REALLY going on, connect people stranded in loneliness like myself, conquer the problems that keep yanking me down, that keep yanking all of us down.

I won’t let them keep yanking me down.

I’m going to do everything I can to express my potential. I’m going to take this seriously. No excuses this time.

Because whenever I’ve approached something with that mindset, I’ve won every time.

By Sha’Kim Bush

Thank you for reading.

IG: trapdoor_productions

A Changing World

The way of society is not the way for me.

I mean this is a relative sense, not an absolute one.

There are many things about society that I enjoy, and that I, indeed, help perpetuate.

But there are also many things that really grate against my sensibilities.

Luckily for me, though, this tension is the birthplace of invention—necessity, as it were.

If everything were exactly the way everybody wanted it to be all the time, well, there would be no need for action to be taken by creatures such as ourselves, endowed with this terrible, pesky thing called “intelligence.”

The world will change extensively, undergo rearrangements and transformations that even the most well-versed in any given area weren’t able to see coming, between the time that you pore over these words, and the moment that you are officially expired (hopefully from boring natural causes).

Of course there are the visionaries, the immensely creative minds among us who are determined to see to it that their strange dreams become realities.

But, as bright as they are, not even they are capable of capturing the unfathomable complexity of interactions between factors that breed the outcomes that we all eventually have to reckon with in our shared institutions, traditions, perspectives, and activities.

What it was when we came, will not be what it is when we leave.

And hopefully it has evolved in a positive direction by then.

By Sha’Kim Bush

ig: trapdoor_productions

Untitled (07/03/2023)

Every time you are forcibly shed of one of your natural instincts, you are made more programmable, and will probably come to be made in their image…

There’s a reason why you feel that anxiety in the modern world, that quivering in your spine, that unarticulated rage. It’s there because your true self is alerting you to an invasive element, something that has come to reshape you for the worse…

Maybe, in your most authentic state, you don’t like where you see things going in the world…

Maybe you aren’t as detached as you think…

Maybe you DON’T like, for example, every ordinary member of your society having politically correct messaging shoved down their throat with every purchase they make, every program they watch, not one person free from the onslaught…

Maybe you DON’T like to be told what is right and what is wrong by a bunch of shadowy corporate entities, people who probably couldn’t conjure the faintest inkling of any of the hardship that you have to endure in your daily life…

What business do such people have telling you what to think? Where do they find the nerve to use a product that you consume regularly to peddle a dangerous idea?

Maybe, for example, you DON’T BELIEVE that the government should be the only group in your nation that gets to be armed to the teeth…

And you just don’t know how to express how you feel, simply because no one around you has pointed it out.

No one has articulated it for you.

One thing’s for sure: You don’t want to be made in their image…

You want to be amongst benevolent entities, who want the best for you, and who you can be open with, with your gifts and your faults alike, further empowering them to help you…

Whoever said that those in power would do all the right things, or make all the best moves in your best interest?

History screams with examples to the contrary…

So be wise. Don’t trust them just because they have sway.

And hold onto your true self. Express your true self.

By Sha’Kim Bush

IG: trapdoor_productions. Follow me would you?

Thank you for reading!!

All From A Bumper Sticker…

I saw a bumper sticker the other day. It read simply, “BE KIND TO OTHERS”—a brief enough message for the person driving behind it to absorb it in less than a second. But for me, the process didn’t end there. It pierced my perceptual layer like a tempered blade, falling into my inner world with the aim of dismantling my framework of the world.

Lazily crafted, that framework deserved no better fate, I must admit. But it was a painful dissolution, exposing a complex underbelly of lies that had grown behind weeds.

More painful still was the source of the assault, something so simple and even cliché a bumper sticker. How am I to see myself as a respectable person when that’s all it takes to school me, to put me to shame?

I guess the only way to look at it is to be grateful for needed reminders whenever they come, and in whatever form they take. In today’s high-volume content world, it is concievable that you will be presented with such nice, easy reminders every now and again. But you shouldn’t think that way. The inner tendency toward weakness should never be underestimated, as it gains momentum in secret, and the incline it tempts you toward is steep. And the stakes for whether we choose right or wrong are often being raised whether we are aware of it or not. So use those reminders well, don’t take them for granted.

Because you never really know for sure how close you really are to hell, or to heaven, for that matter.

By Sha’Kim Bush

Insta: trapdoor_productions

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Have a great day…

The Self That Changes: Introduction

It feels so long ago that I had all of that joy and strength.

I noticed recently a change in the tenor of my memories from that time—a weakening, like the nostalgic element in them was beginning to fade away.

I wonder if it is too late to report the events of that time to people now.

But maybe it isn’t.

With that possibility in mind, I am going to attempt to drudge up what I can from that time in my life. I know deep down that it deserves this kind of recounting. It’s deserved it for a long time.

And maybe in the process, I can put back together the things that were lost to the soft whirlwind of time. It is important that I retrieve anything from that time that has happened to fall to the bottom of my mind, probably hoping to be recovered one day. I need it now more than ever.

Part 1 coming soon. You won’t want to miss it. Thank you.

By Sha’Kim Bush

Connect with me on Instagram @trapdoor_productions!

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